Get Involved!
Riverways Pregnancy and Family Resource Center is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) whose mission is to provide life-affirming services that empowers individuals to make healthy, positive choices related to pregnancy, parenting, and relationships.
Community partners and volunteers are vital to our mission and make our work possible. Behind our success is a cadre of individuals and businesses with a passion to see lives changed for the better. We would love for you to join us in saving lives and strengthening families.

Can’t make it to the store to purchase items? You can give online here or scan the QR Code below and we can purchase items for this event.

.Here are some ways that you can pray.
That those who need our services will connect with us.
For the parents and children, both born and unborn, that we serve.
That those we serve will be open to the words of hope spoken here.
That God will work through the board of directors, staff, and volunteers to accomplish His work at Riverways
That God will work through His people to meet the financial needs of His work here.
We offer a range of opportunities to volunteer at the center. Volunteers help us with our lawn care, sorting and cleaning items that have been donated, cleaning and sanitizing our facility and for helping with fundraising events.
We require an application process and run a background check on all volunteers. If you are interested in joining our volunteer wait list, we would be happy to discuss the requirements with you. Please e-mail marcie @ riverwaysprc.org for more information.
Host a Group Tour
We gladly host tours for church groups, youth groups, businesses and school groups. Just give us a call at 573.739.4673.

Monday: 3:30 PM-6:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday-Sunday: Closed
Riverways Pregnancy & Family Resource Center is committed to providing you with everything you need to make an informed pregnancy decision. We believe women and men have a right to get evidence-based information from a resource that will not profit from the choices and pregnancy decisions they make. All our services are free and confidential.
Riverways PFRC is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) whose mission is to provide life-affirming services that empowers individuals to make healthy, positive choices related to pregnancy, parenting, and relationships. While we do not provide or refer for abortion services, we can answer your questions about side effects, what to expect, and more. We do not profit from any of your sexual health or pregnancy decisions. Contact us to learn more. The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical or legal advice. We are committed to protecting your health information. Please be aware that communicating via unencrypted text messaging or messaging services has some level of risk of being read by a 3rd party.